Specialists in

Textile Technology.

We specializes in acquiring and developing know how on factory operations, production techniques and marketing focused on the textile industry.

Veenhoek is a company specialized in textile technology and located in Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Veenhoek was founded on the basis of the global expertise and knowledge obtained by its founders. Veenhoek invests in long term relationships and works on an exclusive basis with clients and carefully selected partners. Veenhoek provides tailored services to achieve their goals.


Project management and evaluation with detailed engineering

Industrial ergonomics

Research and studies in the field of industrial ergonomics

Fashion trends and forecasting

Research on apparel fashion trends and forecasting. Prot Tech, Build Tech, Med Tech, Agro tech;

Our Services

Veenhoek specializes in acquiring and developing know how on factory operations, production techniques and marketing focused on the textile industry. By allowing its clients to specialize, Veenhoek aims to reduce their opportunity costs and maximize their efficiency. The cost effective solutions offered by Veenhoek are value driven, providing lasting process improvements and its fees can be offset by savings in operating costs.

Project management and evaluation with detailed engineering;

Process design and industrial productivity;

Research and studies in the field of industrial ergonomics;

Research in the field of technical textile for automobile;

Prot Tech, Build Tech, Med Tech, Agro tech;

Research on apparel fashion trends and forecasting;

Research on emerging economies;

Market studies and support for market development;

Research on quality improvement;

Benchmarking between leading textile players;

System development and formulation of SOP’s (standard operating procedures);

Research in material handling; and Research on various textile fibres.

Let's make something awesome together

Get in touch to discuss how we might be able to support you in starting up or growing your business further.